Monday, 8 October 2012

SALTO On-Arrival Training (OAT) in Tbilisi, Georgia:

Back home in Norway we have this thing called oatmeal, which is basically a lot of oat* and subjected to boiling water. After a while, it becomes more a mass of porridge than individual flakes of oat with some water around them. When the two elements are brought together in a bowl they mix into a single, delicious mass.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

OAT September 2012 in Dajana's opinion

On-arrival training (OAT) was organized for all EVS volunteers who are working in Caucasus in order to make them more aware of opportunities EVS is giving to them. It took place from 26 to 30 of September in Tbilisi. It was my first time when I have been in Georgia and also first time, when I met so many cheerful young people who are full of ideas. The people were absolutely fantastic and spending time with them was pure pleasure.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Dajana's EVS stay so far

Dajana and Martin on the top of Aragac
Time flows incredible fast, so when I realized that I am already in Armenia for one month, it was difficult for me to believe. Honestly, I have done and learnt a lot of interesting things- more than I had in the whole of the previous year, but still I am shocked, that one month just gone. I have never before even thought that people can spend together time in interesting way without using words. Now I know that it is so simple! I can communicate not only with adults, but also with children. They understand me well enough, so that we are able to play together and have great fun!

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Martin's EVS Stay So Far

Martin in Sevan. :)
I have now been in Armenia for two months. The first week or so was spent in Vanadzor, where I got to meet many of CDCS previous members and some current ones. After that I went to Yerevan, got settled in my flat in Arabkir. I started to work at CDCS offices rented from World Vision Armenia, and quickly learned that I was responsible for my own results. As a result of this my brain was given a challenge to make things happen on its own, and I have so far had many, many ideas.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

NGO Fair at "Espaces" Youth Training Center, Yerevan

Martin and Shoushanna, the representatives of CDCS, showed up at Espaces in central Yerevan, a little unsure about what exactly was going to happen. We knew that it was an exhibition for NGOs, so we brought a colourful presentation-poster with us to describe who we are and what we do here at CDCS. We were ready to represent CDCS.